BI Italia | Alessandria |

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British Institutes porta i corsi di inglese per bambini e ragazzi direttamente nelle scuole pubbliche e private in orario curricolare o extrascolastico.

Tutti i nostri programmi seguono le direttive ministeriali e se svolti in orario curricolare possono essere personalizzati a seconda delle esigenze dei ragazzi e.g. preparazione alle Certificazioni Internazionali, potenziamento della fluency, etc...

I corsi in orario extrascolastico seguono i nostri Sillabi del Junior Academy che vanno dalle attività ludiche pensate per i più piccini, fino ad attività di reading, writing, speaking, listening and fluency per teenagers e studenti delle scuole superiori.

Tutte le attività svolte, promuovono e sviluppano la sicurezza e la fluidità del linguaggio.

BI Alessandria



Welcome to our language school!

At our school, we are dedicated to helping students of all ages learn a new language in a fun and interactive way. Whether yuo are looking to improve your language skills for travelling, working or personal enrichment, our experienced teachers are here to support you every step of the way.

We offer a variety of language courses, from beginner levels to advanced, tailored to meet your specific needs and goals. Our classes focus on practical language skills, including speaking, listening, reading and writing, to ensure you are well-rounded in your language abilities.

In addition to our traditional classroom courses, we also offer online (adults learners) options for those who prefer to learn from the comfort of their home. 

Join us at the British Institutes and unlock the doors to a world of possibilities through language learning. 

Contact us today to learn more about our offers and start your language journey!