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The scarecrow by Lorenzo - Our student A1 level

BI Valmontone
Postato il: 30/04/21
Tempo di lettura: 1 minuto, 0 secondi

The scarecrow

By Lorenzo Gargiulo A1 level


One evening, Jack and George’s parents hang out with old friends, so Jack and George were alone in the house. At a certain point, they heard a sound. George said, “What was that?” after a few seconds they noticed that the sound was a knock on the door so they thought it was their parents, but when they opened the door, they got scared because, behind the door… there weren’t their parents… BUT A SCARECROW WITH A PUMPKIN ON ITS HEAD! They immediately ran under the carpet. George said, “EAT HIM FIRST, PLEASE!” The brother, Jack gave him a kick in the booty and then Jack said, “HE IS MORE DELICIOUS THAN ME, EAT HIM FIRST!”. After an hour of silence, George left the carpet, while Jack was sleeping, and went to control if the scarecrow was still there. He noticed that the scarecrow vanished and that the car of their parents was in the garage. So, he woke up Jack and they waited for their parents so they could tell them about it, but the parents did not believe them...


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